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Why is it important to support locally owned businesses?

Top 10 Reasons to Go Local.

"...reconnecting eaters with farmers, investors with entrepreneurs, and business owners with the communities and natural places on which they depend."

-Business Alliance for Local Living Economies

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  • February 14, 2016 9:57 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

    Independent businesses gained healthy sales growth in 2015, thanks to increased public awareness of the benefits of supporting locally owned businesses, according to a national report released by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and the Advocates for Independent Business.

    Download the full report.

    The Independent Business Survey, now in its ninth year, gathered data from over 3,200 independent businesses -- including 83 businesses from the Monadnock Region.  

    The survey found that in 2015 independent businesses:

    • Grew an average of 6.6 percent.
      • For independent retailers, revenue increased 4.7 percent, with a 3.1 percent gain during the holiday season (compared to retail chains with a 1.6 percent increase in holiday sales). 
    • Overall employment rose 5.6 percent.
      • Over 30 percent reported adding at least one employee.
    • Communities with an active Local First/Buy Local campaign saw a 7.4 percent increase in revenue, compared to a 4.2% increase for businesses without an active group.
      • Over 67 percent said that active Local First/Buy Local campaigns in their area led to new customers and increased loyalty.

    In terms of obstacles, the survey notes that independent businesses struggle most with:

    • Competition from large internet companies (70 percent ranked it as very significant obstacle).
    • Large competitors' market power to gain better pricing and payment terms from suppliers.
    "While these obstacles are certainly formidable, independent businesses have seen a remarkable increase in public awareness and support in recent years," said Stacy Mitchell, co-director of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. "In our survey, many expressed a determination to build on the momentum of the 'buy local' movement to press for policies that will give small, local businesses a better opportunity to compete and thrive."

    "Despite a number of challenges facing independent businesses, the ninth annual ILSR survey again demonstrates that locally owned Main Street businesses are resilient, growing, and successful," said American Booksellers Association CEO Oren Teicher. "The innovation and hard work of entrepreneurs are paying off in businesses that are outperforming their chain competitors, fueling job creation, and ensuring that unique, livable communities continue to thrive."

    Download a print quality pdf  of graph

  • December 27, 2015 8:37 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

    The Monadnock Region Indie Impact Study details the amount of revenue returned to the local economy by locally owned, independent businesses in the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire.

    Download the Monadnock Region Indie Impact Study

    The report found that locally owned retailers return 62.4% of their revenue to the local economy, while national chain retailers return just 13.6% of revenue – meaning that locally owned businesses return over 4x more money into the local economy compared to chain retailers.  The study also concluded that shifting just 10% of purchases from national chains to locally owned retailers would keep $27 million in the regional economy.

    “The results of this study will help us better educate our community on the power of spending money at independent businesses,” said Jen Risley, Program Manager of Monadnock Buy Local.  “We now have great numbers relating to how money spent locally recirculates through our economy, creating new jobs, more charitable contributions and a better quality of life for more residents.”

    This study is one of a series of Indie Impact Studies carried out by Civic Economics, an organization that measures the “local multiplier effect” in communities throughout the United States.   Their studies found that locally owned businesses return 44 to 71 cents of every dollar in revenues back to their local economies compared to their chain competitors. Read more information about Civic Economics Indie Impact Study Series.

    “A community armed with this powerful local data can use it to make better-informed decisions about where they spend their money,” said Jennifer Rockne, former Co-Director of the American Independent Business Alliance.  “This goes for citizens as well as local governments and other area institutions. This is important knowledge particularly now, as we enter a season of greater personal spending.  Spending locally is a gift we can give our community.”

    Civic Economics provides a data-driven approach to business and community initiatives.  They are noted for the innovative application of industry-standard tools and the development of proprietary methodologies that provide credible guidance and evidence to their clients:

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