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100 Crowdfunding Supporters Reached: TLC Monadnock Update

March 31, 2017 6:59 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

The Local Crowd Monadnock reached a wonderful milestone -- in two weeks we raised $6,078 from 100 supporters!  Thank you to all our TLC Monadnock Supporters.  

Give today and help spread the word:

New Campaign Rewards

Be sure to check out the great rewards offered by each campaign, located on the right side of their page. 

New rewards include:

  • Beeswax Ornaments made by Raffi's Bees
  • A new, exclusive flavor from Jack's Crackers called "The Fallen Vegan" (Bacon & Buttermilk Biscuit).

The Local Crowd Monadnock Night at the Co-op

The Monadnock Food Co-op in Keene, NH will host The Local Crowd (TLC) Monadnock Night on Friday, April 7, 2017 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  You’re invited to learn more about TLC Monadnock and Campaign Leaders from both farms will offer free samples and answer questions about their campaigns.

NH Charitable Foundation Grant Received

We're thrilled to announce we received a grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation to help TLC Monadnock with outreach this fall.  More details coming soon!

The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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