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  • July 10, 2017 8:43 AM | TLC Monadnock (Administrator)

    Placemaker Local Rewards Program Crowdfunding Campaign Launches on July 15th

    The Local Crowd (TLC) Monadnock will launch its third online crowdfunding campaign on Thursday, July 15, 2017 at noon focused on supporting independent retail: Monadnock Buy Local's "Placemaker Local Rewards" Program.  

    RSVP to our online launch!

    This campaign, based in Keene, is an effort to raise $5,000 needed to purchase a one-year subscription to Placemaker, an innovative online platform that tracks purchases made at participating locally owned businesses and offers gifts and discounts to users who spend their dollars locally. Instead of independent businesses working to build customer loyalty on their own, they can band together through Placemaker and inspire more people to spend their dollars at locally owned businesses.  Also, Placemaker can provide real-time data that Monadnock Buy Local and other economic development organizations can use to measure their impacts and refine their efforts.

    "For years, Monadnock Buy Local searched for ways to demonstrate our true impact on our local economy. Are our efforts really making a difference?" said Jen Risley, Monadnock Buy Local Executive Director. "Enter Placemaker -- technology that can give us access to real data, while shoppers have fun!"

    "How we work with other communities is that we have a local business association or Think Local campaign that we partner with -- and then they actually gain most of the revenue from the program," said Placemaker Cofounder, Katrina Scotto di Carlo.  "We just facilitate a license of the technology, but it's really run locally wherever it goes. Most of the money stays local."

    This crowdfunding campaign will offer a limited number of rewards to individuals who give at certain financial levels. For example, for $50 a campaign supporter can choose the "Buy Local Booster" and receive 5 gift certificates from Monadnock Buy Local members -- in surprise amounts from surprise members.

    Individuals can contribute to this crowdfunding campaign regardless of where they live.  Offline donations are also accepted.  Checks should be made out to Monadnock Buy Local and mailed to The Local Crowd Monadnock, c/o Monadnock Buy Local, 63 Emerald Street PMB #114, Keene, NH 03431.

    Stay tuned -- and RSVP to our launch online to get updates!

  • May 27, 2017 8:48 AM | TLC Monadnock (Administrator)
    • Do you have an incredible project, just waiting to happen -- if you only had the funds to launch it?
    • Will your project support community goals, while keeping to a budget of $10,000 or less?
    • Are you, or is your business or organization, based in Keene, Chesterfield, Hinsdale, Swanzey or Winchester?
    If you answered yes, then please consider funding your project through The Local Crowd Monadnock. The Local Crowd Monadnock is a locally based crowdfunding platform helping start-up ventures, early-growth stage companies and community-focused projects find access to capital.

    TLC Monadnock will select one accepted proposal to receive a free video, donated by 710 Main Films, to support their crowdfunding campaign.

    The Local Crowd Monadnock is about us -- our region, our community -- and the goals we've created around economic development and prosperity.  Learn more about The Local Crowd Monadnock and our Request For Proposals.

    The Local Crowd Monadnock Proposals are due July 7, 2017
  • May 19, 2017 8:29 AM | TLC Monadnock (Administrator)

    Busy Month

    It's been quite a month since our Farm to Table on Wheels crowdfunding campaign closed. We found and acquired the perfect cart soon after the close and have been have been busy getting it ready for prime time. The past week we have been painstakingly scraping off old vinyl decals in preparation for an Archway Farm rebranding (and hanging some Christmas lights)!

    Cart Launch

    We're excited to say we have two events lined up to kick off the summer season:

    Campaign Rewards

    We've caught up with many of you delivering sausage and other campaign rewards. Our second round of sausage is here so we'll be sending out an update for that shortly, and look forward to our first of the scheduled farm tours coming up next weekend. If we have missed you for some reason please don't hesitate to reach out.

    Thanks again for all the support, we hope to see many of you at an event this summer!

    ~ Mark Florenz, Archway Farm

  • April 17, 2017 6:23 AM | TLC Monadnock (Administrator)

    From Mark Florenz, Archway Farm

    Crowdfunding Goal Reached

    Our campaign closed on Saturday and we reached our goal! Prime Roast Coffee Company pushed us over the line by becoming a Campaign Hero hours before the deadline. We are truly grateful for all the support we have received from the community, family, and friends. Having Jen Risley and The Local Crowd Monadnock as well as Stonewall Farm as partners has been huge in helping us reach our goal.

    The Monadnock Co-op

    We had a great event at the Monadnock Food Co-op last Friday, it was great to talk to everyone about our campaign, and share some samples. We'll be back at the Co-op this coming Saturday, April 22nd as part of their Earth Festival, stop by and say hello if you are there.

    Campaign Next Steps

    We will be reaching out this week to start fulfilling our campaign rewards. We are now in hot pursuit of a sausage cart, so that we can be up and operational for the spring sausage season. Stay tuned for more details.

  • April 08, 2017 4:10 PM | TLC Monadnock (Administrator)

    Farm Projects Receive Boost from The Local Crowd Monadnock

    By Caroline Tremblay, Orginally Posted in ELF Magazine

    In just two weeks, the brand-new, local crowdfunding  platform,  The  Local  Crowd  (TLC) Monadnock,  helped  raise  more  than  $6,000  to  support  projects  at  two  of Keene’s farms, Stonewall Farm and Archway Farm.

    The Local  Crowd Monadnock,  a collaboration between several economic development organizations in the region, aims to inspire local people to invest in their communities with small contributions that add up to make big things happen.

    The idea is one that’s gaining traction  across the U.S., and Jen Risley,  executive director of TLC Monadnock’s host organization,  Monadnock  Buy  Local, is excited to roll it out here.

    “It actually started about this time last year when Michael  Shuman came  to  town, and he gave a talk about pollinator enterprises,” Risley explained.   Shuman’s talk centered on developing  businesses that support other businesses, an idea embedded in the mission behind TLC.

    The day after Shuman’s talk, Risley received an email about a grant to pilot The Local Crowd program, and she felt it was a sign.

    “I  immediately sent it out to all my usual suspects who do economic development,”  she  said.  Though the grant was due just two weeks later, a group of organizations jumped on board and put together a plan.

    “We’re the only ones on the East Coast, and I think there’s only 25 sites happening,” Risley said. But she’s already been part of several conversations related to how the platform might benefit the rest of New Hampshire and beyond. Even after only a few weeks, TLC Monadnock has offered up great insights into what really works when it comes to crowdfunding on a local level.

    On  March  15,  TLC Monadnock launched its first two campaigns, both  of which  focus  on  sustainable  agriculture.  One campaign supports Stonewall Farm’s plans to build a new animal barn for its educational and visitor services programs. The barn would create a safe, fun, interactive space for visitors to learn about animals such as sheep, alpacas, goats and chickens.

    The second campaign, which is titled “Farm-to-Table on  Wheels,” supports  Archway  Farm’s  hopes  to  take their meats to the streets.  Archway is a small family farm in Keene that raises heritage breed pigs. They sell most  of  their  meat  wholesale  and  would  like  to  connect more with the community by purchasing a sausage cart. The cart would be used to serve food at The Farmers’ Market of Keene, as well as at private gatherings at people’s homes or businesses.

    “I’m very excited to be able to bring locally produced meat to a wider audience,” said Mark Florenz, Archway’s owner. “I go to local fairs and festivals, and I’m always surprised at the lack of locally produced food options.  I hope this can be one small step towards changing that.”

    A relatively new farm, Archway is working to build up its network within the region.

    “Having  the  local  connection  of  Jen  Risley and Monadnock Buy Local was what really attracted me to this funding option,” Florenz explained. He’s reached more than half his financial goal in just two weeks and is encouraged by the support received from family, friends, and the community,  which he believes  “recognizes  the  value of local sustainable agriculture.”

    And be on the lookout for more TLC Monadnock campaigns coming soon.

    “We’re really hoping to give preference to campaigns that are supporting a local, green and fair economy,” Risley noted. If the two-year pilot proves successful, she would love to see it expand, perhaps even incorporating the tri-state area of New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts.  She  said the ultimate goal isn’t to detract from any existing fundraising efforts, but to “get more people  contributing to really good community  initiatives.”

    For more information, visit or follow TLC on Facebook at for updates.

  • April 03, 2017 5:21 AM | TLC Monadnock (Administrator)

    Archway Farm's Farm to Table on Wheels Update

    Support Our Campaign Today!

    TLC Monadnock Night

    Less than 2 weeks to go and we're well on track. We have 43 supporters and have raised almost 75% of our goal of $5,000. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. We're super excited to be at the Monadnock Food Co-op this Friday night for TLC Monadnock Night. Please join us if you can, there will of course be sausage samples.

    Sweet Beet Sausage

    We are working diligently on the next round of our Local Sausage. If you haven't noticed, there's not a lot of local produce being grown right now, but we were able to source some Picadilly Farm beets from the root cellar to create a brilliant Sweet Beet sausage. Pork, beets, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper. Our test batch was a nice beet red color and kid approved (ours anyways).

    Is it Spring Yet?

    Our first four litters of 2017 are on the ground (and in the mud). Next two litters are due to come in early May. Everyone is hoping that the ground dries out and the temperatures warm up so we can get the pigs out on some green grass, and let the winter paddocks recover a little.


  • March 31, 2017 8:39 AM | TLC Monadnock (Administrator)

    We're thrilled to share that Monadnock Buy Local recently received a $5,000 grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation's Elting E. Morison Fund to support outreach efforts for The Local Crowd (TLC) Monadnock Project in Keene, Swanzey, Chesterfield, Hinsdale and Winchester, NH.

    About The Local Crowd Monadnock

    TLC Monadnock is a locally based crowdfunding platform that empowers individuals to support the businesses, organizations and initiatives that grow wealthier and healthier communities in the region.  This pilot project is a collaboration of regional economic development organizations including Southwest Region Planning Commission, Monadnock Buy Local, New Hampshire Small Business Development Center, Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce, Monadnock Economic Development Corporation and Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship. For more information, visit or contact Monadnock Buy Local at 603-499-7950.

    About Monadnock Buy Local

    Monadnock Buy Local ( is a regional network of citizens, businesses and organizations that promotes the positive economic and community benefits of spending dollars locally, while supporting programs and policies that forward a local, green and fair economy. For more information, contact

    About the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

    The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation was created in 1962 by and for the people of New Hampshire, and is dedicated to strengthening communities across the Granite State. The Foundation manages a growing collection of 1,700 philanthropic funds created by generous families, individuals and businesses, and awards more than $30 million in grants and scholarships every year. The Foundation invests charitable assets for today and tomorrow; works with generous and visionary citizens to maximize the power of their giving; supports critical work happening in New Hampshire communities and leads and collaborates on high-impact initiatives. For more information, please visit or call 603-225-6641.

  • March 31, 2017 6:59 AM | TLC Monadnock (Administrator)

    The Local Crowd Monadnock reached a wonderful milestone -- in two weeks we raised $6,078 from 100 supporters!  Thank you to all our TLC Monadnock Supporters.  

    Give today and help spread the word:

    New Campaign Rewards

    Be sure to check out the great rewards offered by each campaign, located on the right side of their page. 

    New rewards include:

    • Beeswax Ornaments made by Raffi's Bees
    • A new, exclusive flavor from Jack's Crackers called "The Fallen Vegan" (Bacon & Buttermilk Biscuit).

    The Local Crowd Monadnock Night at the Co-op

    The Monadnock Food Co-op in Keene, NH will host The Local Crowd (TLC) Monadnock Night on Friday, April 7, 2017 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  You’re invited to learn more about TLC Monadnock and Campaign Leaders from both farms will offer free samples and answer questions about their campaigns.

    NH Charitable Foundation Grant Received

    We're thrilled to announce we received a grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation to help TLC Monadnock with outreach this fall.  More details coming soon!

  • March 27, 2017 6:34 AM | TLC Monadnock (Administrator)

    The Monadnock Food Co-op in Keene, NH will host The Local Crowd (TLC) Monadnock Night on Friday, April 7, 2017 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  You’re invited to learn more about TLC Monadnock’s first two crowdfunding campaigns focused on sustainable agriculture:

    Both farms will offer free samples and answer questions about their campaigns.

    TLC Monadnock launched on March 15, 2017 and raised over to $3,700 from 74 supporters during its first week.  Both campaigns end on April 15, 2017.  You can contribute online to either campaign at

    “The Co-op is delighted to support the work of The Local Crowd and Monadnock Buy Local.  The work they are doing to support and grow our community and economy is remarkable,” said Megan Megan Straughen, Events, Education & Sustainability Coordinator at Monadnock Food Co-op.  “It’s wonderful to see different types of organizations coming together to help grow sustainable agriculture in our region.”

    TLC Monadnock is a locally based crowdfunding platform that empowers individuals to support the businesses, organizations and initiatives that grow wealthier and healthier communities in the region.  Crowdfunding, or the practice of raising funds to support a project from a large number of people, is a viable alternative to recruiting businesses from outside the region to boost economic activity.

    This project is part of a two-year research study funded by a USDA Small Business Innovation Research grant to gauge this platform’s effectiveness in rural areas.  During its pilot phase, TLC Monadnock will only accept campaign proposals from businesses, organizations or community initiatives based in Keene, Chesterfield, Hinsdale, Swanzey or Winchester.  TLC Monadnock will give preference to campaigns from these communities that align with their respective city or town’s master plan and contribute to a local, green and fair economy.

    TLC Monadnock is a collaboration of regional economic development organizations working to cultivate a stronger ecosystem of investors, service providers and local economy champions.  A team of community leaders from Southwest Region Planning Commission, Monadnock Buy Local, New Hampshire Small Business Development Center, Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce, Monadnock Economic Development Corporation and Hannah Grimes Center manages this crowdfunding platform.

    Discover more details and updates at or contact Jen Risley at or 603-499-7950.

  • March 22, 2017 6:07 AM | TLC Monadnock (Administrator)

    On March 15, The Local Crowd (TLC) Monadnock launched with two crowdfunding campaigns focused on sustainable agriculture: Archway Farm’s “Farm to Table on Wheels” and Stonewall Farm’s “Barn Raising” projects.   We held a party on March 18 at Stonewall Farm to celebrate our launch.  Thank you to the 100 people who celebrated with us. 

    We’re thrilled to share that in our first week, we raised over to $3,700 for these two campaigns from 74 supporters!  Thank you to all who gave so far.  You can give online through April 15 at

    Each campaign offers a limited number of rewards to individuals who give at certain financial levels.  For example, Archway Farm offers a Sausage Club to individuals who give $75.  Sausage Club members receive one pound of four different kinds of Archway Farm sausages, each featuring an ingredient from a local farm.  The first sausage is a Cheddar Smoked Bratwurst made with Stonewall Farm cheese -- and it’s delicious!

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