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The Monadnock Region Celebrates New Hampshire Eat Local Month in August

July 07, 2017 6:37 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

Over 15 Local Food & Farm Events Planned in the Monadnock Region -- and Counting!

Throughout the month of August, Monadnock Buy Local joins with 52 partners throughout the Monadnock Region and state to highlight New Hampshire Eat Local Month -- a month-long celebration of local food and New Hampshire farmers and producers.

"New Hampshire residents and visitors, alike, are showing unprecedented interest in local food, and this month-long celebration offers a great opportunity to feature New Hampshire grown foods and farms," said Gail McWilliam Jellie from the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food.

As part of the NH Eat Local Month festivities, Monadnock Buy Local will compile events and promotions happening in the Monadnock Region at NH Eat Local Month also coincides with National Farmers' Market Week, honoring farmers' markets all across America, and Monadnock Buy Local plans to give special attention to this sector during the week of August 6 - 12, 2017.

"There's so much to celebrate around local food in our region," said Jen Risley, Executive Director of Monadnock Buy Local.  "We hope to shine a light on our entire food system -- from the soil and the farmers to the markets and chefs that cultivate our local food economy."

New Hampshire Eat Local Month is a statewide celebration of farmers and local food producers throughout the month of August. Promotion of this year's NH Eat Local Month is in collaboration with the Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food, Monadnock Buy Local, Seacoast Eat Local and New Hampshire Farms Network. Find more information at and

The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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