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Caring for our Neighbors: Monadnock Developmental Services and Monadnock Family Services

February 24, 2018 7:55 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

By Suzanne Butcher

In the 1980's, New Hampshire was a leader in closing institutions and serving developmentally disabled citizens in the community through public-private partnerships.

For more than 30 years, Monadnock Developmental Services has specialized in providing individuals with developmental and related disabilities the means to live as independently as possible in their own community.  The mission of MDS is "to work toward inclusion, participation and mutual relationships for all people who are at risk of isolation from community." 

Similarly, Monadnock Family Services (MFS) is a non-profit, comprehensive, community mental health agency, with close to 200 professionals helping approximately 800 children and youth who have serious emotional and behavioral disturbances and 1,600 adults and seniors through a variety of counseling and support services. Both MDS and MFS provide opportunities  for those who participate in their programs to flourish in our community and to participate in the local economy. 

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