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Why Invest Local?

March 16, 2018 6:29 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

By Amy Cortese, Locavesting

I could write a book about this (and I did!) but here’s the argument in a nutshell:

Small businesses—which by definition are locally owned—create two out of every three jobs in the U.S., employ half the private workforce and generate half of private GDP.  They create local wealth by keeping money circulating locally—that’s called the local multiplier effect.  They provide the foundation for a healthy and diversified local tax base, and contribute to the health and well being of their communities. Studies links the presence of small businesses to everything from better physical health to greater community engagement. Finally, these local enterprises give the places we call home their special character and identity—imagine life without your favorite café, coffee shop or bookstore!

Read More: Why Invest Local?

The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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